Here I am taking pictures of Napoleon and Kip in an exclusive interview. Me and two other privileged individuals were granted access to a fourth story room in the Union where we got a few minutes with the celebs. Pretty flippin' sweet! (Student Media)
Wednesday, August 31, 2005
Monday, August 29, 2005
Mas fotos
natural flow
A fountain on the grounds of Chatsworth. This fountain, along with all the others in the 1,000 acre garden area, operate entirely by gravity. The water comes from a lake, high upon the hill above the fountain.
womanly vessels
STRATFORD UPON AVON--A fleet of boats each with a name derived from women in Shakespearian plays.
tea time
Actually, it's coffee, but same diff. It's all caffeinated, right?
Mommy Stu and Laura enjoy some roadside warm-ones while we take a rest stop near Stratford.
the penitent man shall pass
This is a divet made in SOLID stone which was made by nothing more than people kneeling.
The divet, which was in Lincoln Cathedral, was about three inches deep.
old-world craftsmanship
This is the main window in Lincoln Cathedral. Our tour guide said this masterpiece is as big as a tennis court.
Friday, August 26, 2005
For your parusal
So sorry for the delay. Having sorted through my four-and-a-half GIGABYTES of pictures, these are the ones I thought were best (of England). Germany and France will follow soon. Enjoy.
The Management
golden moment
The rumor is true. There are lots of Asian tourists and they really take lots and lots of pictures.
This group was posing in front of the house where Shakespeare was born in Stratford upon Avon.
Sam offered to take their picture and they were much abliged, offering many thanks. Truly a classic moment.
note: the bunny ears making an appearance in the back row.
Here's an authentic WWII Nazi helmet we saw at a steam engine fair at the Nottingham fairgrounds. The owner was nice enough to let Sam don the helmet and strike the pose.
British Bones
It might be fun to honk away for the Queen while getting gawked at by thousands. I don't think I could do the hats, though. I draw the line at plumed marching hats.