Monday, August 21, 2006

A taste of Singapore (courtesy Mr. Ling)

Whenever Dan has gone home in the past, I've told him to take pictures of his Singaporian homeland. And he has always failed, returning Oklahomaside with nary a photo of his life back home. Boo, Dan. Bad form.

But, this time, he came home from his several week stint with some quality photographic documentation. Good work Dan-O. And now, a taste of Singapore.

Some REAL "chinese" food. Probably just "food" over there.

Dan's "other" friends. The summer me, if you will.

Sorry, Danny Boy, I couldn't resist. You'll have to explain this one yourself...

The Ling residence. Theirs is the right side of the duplex. Hopefully my plans to visit next summer will work out!

Inside the entry way of the house.

Dan's front yard. A mower's delight.

1 comment:

Laura Negus said...

Awesome pics, Dan!! And check out those cute-ays. Woo!