Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Memory lane revisited

Doug's Senior Pic, originally uploaded by johnniestu.

I just can't put this picture away. It screams at me from the cavernous fissures of my hardrive. It must be seen. It demands to be seen. "It wants to be found," as Gandalf put it.


keely said...


OneoftheServens said...

who can resist this picture?

courtney jewett said...

alright, guys, senior pic time...
let's go through the list to make sure we have all the neccessary elements for this documentation of,"the most important time of your life so far."

Here we go:
1. Summer haircut, complete with blonder hair from all the Sun-In.....check

2. Great glasses to make you look studious....check

3. Polka dotted tie to make sure everyone knows you have a "wild side"......check
4. Afore mentioned piece of decade-defining kitch...check
5. Class ring that you'll definitely wear for years and years to make sure that you get your $300 worth....check

Alright, people, that's a wrap. This one's a keeper