Tuesday, September 05, 2006

A win's a win

A few shots from Saturday evening's game. (Student Media)

Horses are so pretty...

And they have so much to give...

Our old friend, Mr. Williams, making a sideline appearance. I wonder if he pays for his tickets?

Super Paul goes horizontal.

These shots make me cry, and then swear at the camera's autofocus. It's always on the most perfectly timed, pristinely framed images that the focus goes bizerk. Why? Please inform me. I have such simple questions...

"To Protect and Serve"

Even Boomer and Sooner were disgusted with our poor defensive tackling.

"Well, you know Craig, basically I carried the entire team and single-handedly prevented a loss to a backwater, lackluster football program..."

1 comment:

Michael St. Hubbins said...

9-3 mediocrity at its finest.